Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.)

About Course

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) is one of the most popular academic degree courses among the science students after class 12th. The duration of B.Sc. degree course ranges from 3 years. This course forms the basis of science and comprises of the subjects like physics, chemistry, biology, zoology and mathematics.

With the advancements in the area of science and technology, this programme has become a one of the highly studied degree course in the Institutions of India.

After the completion of the B.Sc degree there are various options available for the science students, they can go for master degree in Science i.e. M.Sc, go in a research area and can even look for professional job oriented courses.

Bachelor in Science (B.Sc.)


Graduate Degree

Number of Seats



Three Year degree programme


12th Grade (10+2) in Science & Maths


All papers (compulsory), as prescribed in Lucknow University syllabus

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